Crystal ITG is a unique e-Marketing Agency: a wise blend of "old school" refined tools mixed with a sophisticated digital expertise.

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"The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do." Michael E. Porter

Our Methodology

Developing a Strategy is not an Art or “good sense”, but a mix of Analysis, Tools, Market knowledge and Business acumen, everything wisely mixed with state-of-the art Methodology. Every single step of a Business Plan or a strategic analysis incapsulates an incredible amount of analysis details and reason-why deductions. The final result? A go-to-market strategy or a honest suggestion to give-up before losing time and resources in infeasible projects.

    It may be via the 3C model of Kenichi Ohmae or through Michael Porter's models, certainly we know how to deeply analyse where you srat from
    SWOT development and Strategic Guidelines design are not a common approach in too young Digital Agencies. And this is a quite critical missing point...
    It's driven by planning: Waterfall, Agile or Hybrid system, we understand since day 1 what is the model of Project Management that fits your organization and resources
    KPIs: it's all in the numbers, and we know how t oread them and transform data in real-life decisions.

It’s a long path, full of question marks and difficulties, but we’ve done it many times, so we know the right way, the hidden traps, the “too easy” shortcuts, the pitfalls and the “too early” exaltation… Let us drive you into the complexity of eStrategy, because it’s not only a matter of Strategy, it’s also a matter of “everyday” changing technologies.

Is this a problem or an opportunity? Both: it’s a problem if you stay behind or under evaluate the speed of evolution, it’s an opportunity if you’ll be able to leverage what is good and discard what is unusefull.

Why choosing some Consulting from us?



A simple as effective 5 steps process showing our strategic approach to Digital Marketing management


  • Planning of the resources needed to draw a formal and reliable eBusiness Plan
  • Selection of the best fitting eCommerce platform (functionalities and pricing plan), add-on and apps to add for the specific vertical market and company identity, specific Social Networks to leverage
  • Development of detailed Cash Flow analysis with sustainability check (includes all eCommerce hidden costs, like payment channels, expected return rates and refunds, standard additional apps costs)
  • Price positioning (Top-down and Bottom-up methods with  competitive price reporting (2-5 competitors)
  • Extended List of DOs/DON’Ts by Digital platform (eComm, Socials, eMail, Ads)
  • First planning about Digital Ads (paid traffic) and Social Marketing (organic traffic) promotional & awareness strategy (retargeting/similar audiences not included)

Interested to plan your digital journey?  Contact us:


e-Strategy & Managing Director

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